27th July 2024


India’s First Do Tank linking Tech and Geopolitical Power

PM and Shri Raghuveer, SITARA member, Nivetti Systems

SITARA presence in Atmanirbharta Pavilion, IMC

October 1, 2022

After PM completed the visit to foreign firms, he entered the Atmanirbharta pavilion. However, there was a “technical” glitch and the broadcast feed was stopped.

So we are uploading the photos and links.

SITARA members Nivetti Systems, Lekha Wireless, Saankhya and Tejas Networks (the last two have recently merged and been acquired by Tatas), have emerged as the leading lights in indigenisation. It is critically important not to lose momentum.

We are also soon consolidating and uploading in one place all the representations, letters, recommendations and suggestions we have made to PM, PMO, other Ministries etc. to make India a truly powerful technological nation in ICTs at least.  We will also redact our confidential representations as and when this is feasible. Many of our pleas have been acted upon. We thank PMO/ Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw for taking the indigenisation effort in ICTs forward. A similar momentum is building up in the defence industry.

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