4th July 2024


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Win-Win Solution for the Farmers’ Agitation

Recently, our distinguished member Ambassador Dilip Sinha proposed a win-win solution to resolve the Farmers' Agitation.

April 4, 2024

Recently, our distinguished member Ambassador Dilip Sinha proposed a win-win solution to resolve the Farmers’ Agitation. As SITARA is deeply concerned about the environment, which forms part of its remit, we wanted to draw Hon’ble Prime Minister’s attention to his proposal to pay Farmers for planting trees instead of over-producing water-guzzling and soil quality destroying cereals. The details of the scheme are given in our letter although practical issues faced in implementation will need to be further deliberated and sorted out. The idea and details were provided by Ambassador Dilip Sinha.

Voila! It solves our deforestation, over-exploitation of groundwater resources problems and significantly mitigates pesticide use. Trees will cool down the countryside and hopefully recreate the sylvan temperatures we experienced as kids. This is critical given that the world is accelerating towards a grim future given the lack of meaningful action on a global scale to curb heat producing emissions.

Comments and suggestions welcome!

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