27th July 2024


India’s First Do Tank linking Tech and Geopolitical Power

Arindam Basu

Arindam Basu (Aurie)  is based in Denmark but works globally particularly in developing countries in Africa and Asia.

Since the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, there is a growing awareness among private sector around the world to participate in this global push towards a low carbon world and benefit from the new business opportunities that arise. Issues like ‘Impact Investing’, ‘Climate Risk or Non-Financial Reporting’, Corporate Sustainability/CSR, Green Cities, Circular Economy are gradually becoming main stream.

I act as a ‘Knowledge Broker’, Sustainability Consultant and Business Development manager – to help companies identify opportunities, mitigate risks, prepare for regulatory changes while allowing them to contribute to the targets set under international frameworks such as UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the climate commitments by countries and other globally accepted “standards” such as the Global Compact.
Companies / partners that desire to look beyond the classical “CSR” activities and/or wish to learn a little more about the ‘3P-Cube’ model that I developed and implement, may get in touch without any obligations.