27th July 2024


India’s First Do Tank linking Tech and Geopolitical Power

Ashok Rajput

Profile Ashok Kumar Rajput, Chief Engineer (Renewable Technology & Integration and Research & Development), Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power (MoP) New Delhi.

A. K. Rajput is presently working as Chief Engineer (Renewable Technology & Integration and Research & Development), CEA and responsible for taking forward technology development in the Renewable Energy sector, identifying the new RE technologies suitable to Indian conditions. He is a B Tech Electrical Engineering – passed out in 1985 from GBPUA&T, College of Technology, Pantnagar, and M Tech Power System, IIT Delhi, in 2003. With 35 years of experience in Electrical Power systems, he is also responsible for:

  • Integration issues of RE in to the grid.
  • Energy storage needs and placement of energy storage devices in the system.
  • Entrusted with the work of research and development activities pertaining to power sector, including applied research, material science, effect of particular technology on socio-economic conditions, encouraging the innovation through different innovative proposals.
  • Promoting make in India initiatives of Government of India and promotion of indigenisation.
  • Coordinating the activities pertaining to the efforts of reducing the import dependency and developing the indigenous solutions.
  • Actively involved in implementing e-mobility initiatives of the Government of India through Policy Initiatives and technical solutions, formulating guidelines and standards on the subject.
  • Actively involved in National Hydrogen Mission of Government of India.

Started career with NTPC in September, 1986 as Engineer (O&M) and served at Ramagundam and Badarpur Thermal Power Stations. Thereafter working continuously in Central Electricity Authority since March, 1988 and at present looking after Chief Engineer (RT&I and R&D).

Specialisation acquired through experience in NTPC and CEA

  1. O&M of thermal Power stations, promotion of best practices and implementation of efficiency measures, implementation of accident free philosophy.
  2. Distribution System Planning
  3. Loss evaluation and reduction of losses in T&D system
  4. Distribution system studies
  5. Distribution system equipment Standards/Specifications
  6. Regulatory issues in Distribution System
  7. System operation
  8. R&D/Innovation in Power Sector
  9. Renewable Energy Sector development.
  10. Carrying for ward (R&D).

More than 34 years of professional experience in Indian Power Sector covering:

  1. Experience in the field of Thermal Power Generating Stations – operation and maintenance.
  2. Planning & Development of Distribution Network with added focus on reliability of power supply and Loss reduction in distribution System;
  3. Involved in Formulation of National Electricity Policy, National Tariff Policy, Rural Electrification Policy, National Electricity Plan etc;
  4. Regulations on – Electricity Meters, Electric Plants and Lines, Safety in Respect of Electric Plants and lines;
  5. Consultancy to State Electricity Boards (SEBs) on Distribution System Augmentation projects
  6. Award Scheme for best performing Distribution Companies.
  7. Monitoring of reliability of electricity distribution system.
  8. System studies for planning and design of Sub-Transmission and Distribution systems involving site visits, data collection, analysis, load forecasts and formulation of proposals for improvement.
  9. Formulation of Guidelines for (i) Development of Sub-Transmission and Distribution systems (ii) Energy Audit in Power systems (iii) Project management/monitoring (iv) Metering, transformers and conductors (v) training of personnel, (vi) loss reduction in power system.
  10. Formulation of Technical Publications on Smart Grid deployment, Metering, Electrical Equipment in power distribution system, Business Process Reengineering under MoP –USAID assignment.
  11. Formulation of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) and Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS).
  12. Formulation of Schemes for development of sub-transmission and distribution system in North-Eastern States to be covered under Non-lapsable Pool of Resources (NLCPR).
  13. 100% metering scheme in power system.
  14. Evaluation of schemes to assess the benefits of installation of capacitors
  15. Evaluation of cases related to Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT).
  16. Evaluation of cases related to Mandatory Certification of Bureau of Indian Standards’ (BIS) Electrical Items.
  17. Techno-economic appraisal of Power distribution improvement schemes both for urban and rural areas;
  18. Loss reduction in distribution System: suggesting technical and commercial measures to achieve the set objectives.
  19. Conducted system studies for determination of technical losses in Meerut, Ghaziabad and Bagpat Division of UPSEB including 20 Nos. 33/11 kV substations, 100 No. 11 kV feeders and 1500 distribution transformer in High Powered Committee Supreme Court directions.
  20. Preparation of specifications, bid evaluation and framing the recommendations on distribution equipment;
  1. Preparation of specifications, bid documents, bid evaluation etc., in respect of the equipment and material to be procured through International Competitive Bidding under IBRD assistance.
  2. Examination of proposals from BIS to align the Indian Standards (IS) with those of International Electro-Technical Commission (IEC) standards.
  3. Electricity Distribution issues as per the requirement of the Electricity Act, 2003 related to Reorganization of State Electricity Boards, Loss Reduction measures etc.
  4. Preparation of specifications of software required for planning and analysis of sub-transmission and distribution system. Short listing of vendors, evaluation of bids and finalization of software for the above purpose.
  5. Formulation and evaluation of award schemes for performance of power distribution utilities.
  6. Promotion of Best practices in distribution
  7. Restructuring of Power Sector in India and its Impact Assessment
  8. Regulations on – electricity meters, electric plants and lines, safety in respect of electrical plants and lines.
  9. On site monitoring of the construction activities of Distribution system in Jammu and Kashmir.
  10. Carrying forward the R&D initiatives of Ministry of Power.
  11. Playing Leading role in make in India initiatives of Govt of India.

Member in the expert Committee(s)/ Standardization committee(s) of:

  • Chairman of ET 32 Electrical Appliances Sectional Committee of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and member in Committees on Energy Storage systems, Transformers etc.
  • Representing Ministry of Power in department of Science and Technology Committee on “Science Technology Innovation Policy (STIP) 2020.”

Represented in Various Committees of:

  1.  Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP);
  2. Ministry of Power;
  3. Council of Power Utilities;
  4. Rural Electrification Corporation of India Limited (REC);
  5. Appointment of consultant for loss studies in electricity distribution of 6 major States in India. Headed the Committee to look into the problems of failure of distribution transformers installed in Rural areas in various states of the country.
  6. Standardization issues of Power System Equipment.
  7. Member to finalize the Technical Glossary on Power under the aegis of Ministry of Power and published by the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India (Bilingual English –Hindi).

Technical Papers presented in workshops/seminars organized by the Council of Power Utilities

Technical Papers presented in workshops/seminars organized by the Council of Power Utilities (India), Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP), on issues of:

  1. Meeting the Load in Uncertainties;
  2. Planning Philosophy of Electricity Distribution: System Studies and Data Requirement;
  3. Assessment of Restructured Power System in India
  4. Demand Side Management and Load Control–An Indian Experience (IEEE PES during 2010 IEEE PES General Meeting at Minneapolis, MN, USA)- Co-author
  5. PESGM2013 Panel Session (IEEE) on ‘Opportun​ities and Problems of Smart Grids with Large penetration​n of Renewable Energy – Asian and Australasian Experience​’ – Co-author

Other Technical publications in Hindi on :

  1. Loss reduction,
  2. Standardization;
  3. Control of theft of Electricity;
  4. Distribution System Planning aspects;
  5. Meeting loads of high Load density rural areas

Present main assignments: 

  1. Responsible for R&D in Power Sector on behalf of Ministry of Power (MOP).
  2. Representing MOP in Empowered Technology group, under the Chairmanship of Principal Scientific adviser, to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.
  3. Member of Science Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP 2020) of Deptt. of science and Technology (DST).
  4. Chairman Standardisation cell of Bureau of Indian Standards on behalf of MOP.
  5. Nodal Officer from MOP on Make in India Initiatives Policy.
  6. Members in many Sectional committees of BIS.
  7. Chairman, ET 32 (Electro-Technology 32) Sectional Committee of Electro Technology Division (ETDC)- Electrical appliance of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
  8. Area of Particular interest of professional activities – Encourage make in India initiatives and how to provide an enabling environment and facilitate the development of Indian industry. Innovation, research and commercialization of Products through in house/in country research.

I am keen to contribute for the good cause of promotion of Indigenous products in work sphere and also in general. To contribute for a common cause of innovation, indigenization, protecting Interest of Indian companies and Indian values.