27th July 2024


India’s First Do Tank linking Tech and Geopolitical Power

Rinka Singh

Co-Founder Melt Iron (AcFire Computing Pvt., Ltd), Rinka has been an architect, a Technology Director and a serial entrepreneur in his career spanning over 30 years.  He has worked in various Organizations from very large such as IBM and Novell to small startups.  At IBM he was one of the leaders who was involved in turning around a very large and strategic project.  He was also involved in defining the Program Management area for very large programs there.  At Novell he was instrumental in creating new products that generated significant revenue for his company.

Rinka’s Technology and domain experience lies in the systems software and protocols space. His experience covers various processors (ARM, ATmega, x86, VIA, Alpha, Sparc, boards from Motorola, Arduino & TI), various OSs (VxWorks, pSOS & various flavors of Unices including of course Linux) and in both the Datacom (TCP/IP & IPv6 stacks, WAN & Routing protocols) and Telecom space (ATM, ISDN, etc).  His current area is heterogeneous computing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterogeneous_computing

Rinka’s has about two decades of upline management experience in the Software field.  He has led large, diverse and distributed teams to deliver on large and complex software product roadmaps in diverse domains. His teams have been generated multiple IP filings.  Having said that, he is an Open Source evangelist and believes that Open Source is the way of the future.

Beyond his work experience Rinka has contributed significantly to the Software Industry.  This contribution has been very important to him as he believes that as the ecosystem gets richer, everyone improves their chances of success.  He was part of the core group of BSPIN: http://bspin.org/ from their early days and was involved in making India (Indian Software) a Quality country.  Today, one of the reasons why Indian software is recognized the world over is because we are global leaders in terms of the number of Organizations that have Quality certifications and capabilities.  Rinka was a significant part of that journey in the early stages.  He currently is a contributor at iSPIRT: http://www.ispirt.in/who-we-are/Why-we-exist  He believes the next part of the journey of Indian Software is India evolving into a Product Nation.

His Specialties include Architecting, product and technical management of complex software. He understands what it means to own a Software Product out of India and deliver globally.  His areas of interests are in Heterogeneous computing, Operating systems and Network protocols.  Rinka’s LinkedIn page is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rinkasingh/