27th July 2024


India’s First Do Tank linking Tech and Geopolitical Power

Adverse consequences of the BSNL Tender

SITARA wrote to several Officials in GOI warning about the adverse consequences of the BSNL Tender which excluded domestic companies from even participating. Please read the self-explanatory mail dated April 17, 2020 pointing out the dangers to National Security and National Economic Security unless the Tender was withdrawn and domestic companies allowed to build the national 4G Network. It would be a first for India and a ray of hope for the rest of the world fighting the Covid virus, to find a new high-tech power like India rising and ready to share its capabilities with its friends in the world.

Moreover, once domestic companies build the 4G network, they can build the 5G network, if medical issues have been settled by then. It is critical that domestic companies build the 5G network as security issues multiply exponentially with the deployment of this technology, and inducting foreign equipment would be the death knell of Indian National Security. And we cannot afford to destroy one of our few remaining high-tech industries.

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